
Being at a Liberal Arts college, you will have the opportunity to sample 课程 from 所有学科. 这是非常有益的,因为在美国 there is a great emphasis on developing multiple skills that will prepare you to be analytical and critical thinkers, successful in your chosen field and citizen leaders.


  • 一年级的学生被叫来 新生
  • 二年级的学生被叫来 二年级的学生
  • 三年级的学生被叫来 初中
  • 四年级的学生被叫来 老年人


的 quality of teaching is very important at 8590海洋之神官网, and only faculty 会员(具有博士学位).D. 或硕士学位)教授课程. 没有助教 填补教授的空缺. 只教外语实验课 by language assistants who are native speakers and who will help you further develop 你在任何特定语言方面的技能. 你甚至可能成为一名语言助理!

你们班的教学方法各不相同. 你的课程会写在表格里 教授的讲座,实验和讨论课. 你的 input is highly valued and every professor will expect you to share ideas, reflections 和/或与班上其他同学评论. 对于那些觉得自己的技能 need improvement, there is a peer-tutoring program in which the student is paired 与另一个可以帮助解决手头问题的学生. 有关如何 如需朋辈导师,请联络 学术技能办公室 电话:410-778-7883或电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).


在学期中,你的教授会评估你的学术能力. 这可以 be done either through papers, taking an exam, a presentation or another method that 教授认为适当.

Papers are the most common form of testing at 8590海洋之神官网, and during your undergraduate career you will write a varying number of papers for the 课程 you 将会采取. 当你写论文的时候,你应该研究你的 topic unless otherwise specified, and to present it in a very well edited format and 精致的格式. 的 写作中心 is your best resource in figuring out what constitutes a well-edited paper in that 特定的纪律.

Because at 8590海洋之神官网, writing is highly valued, if you are an incoming freshman 大二的学生需要完成写作任务. 这包括 和我们写作中心的工作人员进行了几次交流. 工作人员会读你的作品, 评论它,帮助你提高你的写作技巧. 每个学生都会被分配 a writing instructor with whom he or she will work for the duration of the semester. All students who want to have their papers proofread and commented on by specialists 是否欢迎更多的人预约 写作中心位于戈尔茨坦大厅一楼.

Exams can be in the forms of quizzes (the simplest form), in class exams (take the exam during class time), take home exams (where you are given the exam and are expected to turn it in to your professor by a deadline), and open book exams (where students 可以在实际考试时查阅他们的课本). 其他形式的评估包括 class projects, homework, class participation/attendance and performances (if you 是音乐或戏剧专业的学生吗?. 课堂参与和出勤经常构成 占期末成绩的10-15%. 确保你了解教授的出勤率 参与政策.

In order to graduate from 8590海洋之神官网, you will have to write a thesis, which 一篇综合性的论文是否与你的专业相关. 一个顾问,谁会 be a professor within your chosen field of study, will guide you throughout this process.


8590海洋之神官网 uses the following letter grades which, except for the F, may be 加号:由减号或加号修改的:

  • 一个优秀的
  • C公平
  • D通过
  • F失败


  • A+/A = 4.00                                      C = 2.00
  • A- = 3.67                                             C- = 1.67
  • B+ = 3.33                                           D+ = 1.33
  • B = 3.00                                             D = 1.00
  • B- = 2.67                                             D- = 0.67
  • C+ = 2.33                                           F = 0.00


  • 女:退课
  • P:及格,在学生使用及格/不及格选项的课程中
  • 我:不完整
  • 盟:审计
  • 克雷格:信贷
  • NC:没有信用
  • 接待员:取代

你需要有一个2.0 GPA(平均绩点)或以上保持良好的学业 站. 如果你的平均成绩低于这个标准,你将被留校察看. If 你对自己的成绩不满意,先和你的教授谈谈. 可能会有 改进方法. 然而,作为一般规则,教授不会改变成绩 除非有情有可原的情况,需要改变成绩. 如果在谈话之后 to your professor you still feel that your grades do not reflect the quality of your 工作,请与学院院长联系.


Every professor has expectations of you; these expectations will be outlined in the 您将在每门课程开始时收到教学大纲. 一般来说, 所有课程都要求出勤、课堂参与和做笔记.


  • 课程大纲
  • 的 date of your exams (sometimes the dates change, but you will be notified in advance)
  • 你的论文和项目的截止日期(他们很少改变)
  • 的 office location and office hours of your professor (you are encouraged to make 与他们约会,讨论你的工作或提出问题)
  • 你的作业将如何评分的细目.
  • 的 necessary texts (books, articles) for the course (please make sure you buy the 正确版)


在你到达之前,你会被指派一名学术顾问. 这将是一个成员 of the faculty who will meet with you during orientation and help you plan or make 下学期课程安排的变更. 四年国际 学生们将与来自 教务长办公室 直到他们被指派专业内的指导老师.

Advisers are more than happy to discuss general matters that may concern you, such 作为大学生活,选择一个专业或你未来的职业. 请不要犹豫 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请联系他们.

的re will be two advising days per semester, and you are expected to make appointments with your adviser to discuss your class progress, your course schedule, and any other 问题或关注.


你必须填写一份表格 注册处 删除或添加一个类.  如果因为某种原因你想要的课程关闭了,而你 want to add it, you will have to obtain your advisor’s signature and then the instructor’s 签收单上的签名. 一旦你获得了添加课程的许可,就开始吧 把这张单子交到注册办公室. 另一方面,如果你不满意 一门课程,你必须获得指导老师的签名才能放弃这门课程. 在那之后, 你的课程安排会有所调整. 可以在第一个类中添加或删除一个类 每学期开始上两周的课. 放弃是有最后期限的 或者添加类. 您可以通过查看学术报告来获得退学/添加日期 日历,通过联系注册办公室或你的学术顾问. 还记得 that you cannot take less than 12 credits/semester or more than 24 credits/ semester.


If you believe a course you have taken is too difficult for you, and the deadline 对于已通过的退课,您可以选择及格/不及格. 如果你接到一个传球 grade at the end of the course (at least a C), your transcript will indicate that 你通过了这门课. 你收到的信件成绩不会出现在上面. 否则, 你的报告将表明你这门课不及格.  对于学生来说 degree at 8590海洋之神官网, please refer to the Course Catalog for rules governing 有几门课可以及格,什么时候可以不及格.


8590海洋之神官网 荣誉准则 states the following: “We at 8590海洋之神官网 strive to maintain an environment in which learning and growth flourish through individuals’ endeavors and honest intellectual exchanges both in and out of the classroom. 维护 such an environment, each member of the community pledges to respect the ideas, well 他人的存在和财产. 因此,海洋之神590网址社区的每一位成员 遵守荣誉守则.”

的 majority of professors will require you to write the 荣誉准则 and sign your name on your assignments and tests to indicate that you have abided by the 荣誉准则. You can write the 荣誉准则 two ways on assignments, both require your signature:

  1. 荣誉准则
  2. “I have abided by the 8590海洋之神官网 荣誉准则 while completing this assignment.”

Any violation of the honor code (academic or social) will bring you in front of the Honor Board, a body comprised of students and faculty members, who will decide upon a penalty, 如果你被发现违规. 一定要复习一下荣誉守则,确保你理解了 你所遵守的标准.


8590海洋之神官网 community defines plagiarism as “the unauthorized use of another’s intellectual property, including: published material online and student, staff or 在桌面,硬盘驱动器,磁盘或网页上的教师文档.“剽窃和学术 Honesty are taken very seriously at the College and 如果你被发现违规, you will be in jeopardy of failing the course and/or taken to the Honor Board. If 如果你不确定自己是否抄袭,就去问你的教授.